Digital fundraising is increasingly important for nonprofits that want to reach wide audiences and raise money for their causes. That's why PayPal offers a range of tools to help nonprofits accept online donations quickly and securely.
Here, we'll explain the benefits of digital fundraising and how PayPal can help you streamline your donation process.
Digital fundraising increased by 42% from 2018 to 2021, driving donations for nonprofits of all sizes.1 This growth in online donations means your nonprofit may need mobile-friendly, convenient, and secure fundraising solutions that donors can trust.
After all, in-person fundraising usually occurs at events, where donors can more easily vet nonprofits, and nonprofits can guide people through the donation process. The downside is that your audience is limited to only those event attendees.
On the flip side, online fundraising can help nonprofits reach a wider audience — anytime, anywhere. But since the transactions occur digitally, the donation process has to be as user-friendly and trustworthy as possible.
That's where online fundraising platforms for nonprofits can help.
Donation payment processing is the act of accepting, verifying, approving, and completing a transaction from a donor. Nonprofits can automate these steps by using a secure online payment processing platform like PayPal.
There are many benefits to using PayPal for fundraising. You can set up a nonprofit account to start accepting donations quickly. You can also enroll in the PayPal Giving Fund to expand your reach and make it easy for donors to discover your nonprofit.
Here's a rundown of how PayPal's nonprofit payment processing works:
Fundraising through PayPal is a swift and secure process. All credit and debit card payments are encrypted and stored safely. All PayPal transactions are protected from fraud using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption.
You can also use these online donation safety tips to help protect your transactions and donor information:
How long do PayPal donations take to go through? Once a donor submits their donation, PayPal will confirm that the funds are available — either in their PayPal account or credit or debit account, depending on their payment method. Once confirmed, PayPal will transfer the funds to your nonprofit's PayPal account within minutes, minus any applicable fees.
Now, the money is in your nonprofit's hands. You can leave it in your PayPal account or transfer it to your nonprofit's bank account, which can take up to 2-3 days.
It's easy to start fundraising online with PayPal.
With the PayPal Donate button, you can make it easy for people to donate on your website in just a few taps. Once the donations start rolling in, you can manage and track your funds directly through PayPal. Sign up for your PayPal nonprofit account to start accepting donations.
In partnership with three expert business owners, the PayPal Bootcamp includes practical checklists and a short video loaded with tips to help take your business to the next level.