How does a merchant refund work for my Pay in 3 loan?

If you return the item(s) purchased using Pay in 3 according to your legal statutory rights and/or the refund policy of the merchant, you will receive a full or partial refund. Once a merchant processes your refund, we’ll apply the refunded amount to your Pay in 3 loan.

If the refunded amount is more than the outstanding loan balance, the excess money will be applied to your PayPal balance.

If the refunded amount is less than the outstanding loan balance, the partial refund will lower the amounts you owe in the remaining repayments, and you must continue to make your Pay in 3 repayments until the loan is paid in full. We’ll notify you via email when the refund has been processed and applied.

If the merchant issues a refund in the form of a store credit, gift card, or cash, your remaining loan balance will still be due. This is because PayPal paid the merchant on your behalf when you were approved for a Pay in 3 loan. Since the merchant refunded you directly, you’ll still owe any remaining balance on the loan.

If you are concerned that your next repayment will be taken before we receive a refund, you can contact us online at by selecting ‘Help’ and then ‘Contact us’. This will allow us to either pause your next payment or stop your payments being taken automatically.

Where can I go for financial help and support?

The Money Helper Service provides free and unbiased information and advice about financial services. They can be contacted by phone at 0800 138 7777, or alternatively, via their website:

If you live in Scotland or Northern Ireland, please consider or respectively.

Additionally, the following organisations may be able to help:
Citizens Advice Bureau: (for England and Wales) (for Northern Ireland) and (for Scotland)
National Debtline:
StepChange Debt Charity:

More ways we can help

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