Checkout in a few clicks.
Check out simply and more securely at thousands of online stores with just an email address and password. You don't need to type in your card details every time you pay.
Sign Up and Start Shopping Shop online with PayPal
Shop around the world from your computer or mobile.
Skip through checkout with a simple login.
Jump for joy when your order is complete.
Speed through checkout.
All you need to know is your email address and password so you can forget all your card numbers and secret codes.
You've got the whole world in your hands.
Buy from millions of merchants around the world. We support payments in 150 send currencies and a total of 25 hold currencies in over 200 global markets worldwide.* Currency conversion fees may apply.
Read more about currency conversionWays to Pay.
Add a card to your PayPal account, and simply login with your email address and password whenever you're buying something online.
"I'm not worried about my payment security anymore, even when I shop abroad or on websites I don’t know."
Buyers never beware.
Shop with peace of mind, your eligible purchase is protected by us. If it doesn’t show up, or shows up different than described, we’ll help sort things out with the seller. Conditions apply.
More about PayPal Buyer ProtectionHold all the cards.
When you use your cards to shop with PayPal they work just the same, but you don't have to enter the details every time. Just add a card to your account and pay faster and more securely from your computer or mobile.
70% Over 70% of adults in US have used PayPal in the past five years.*
No hidden costs, no surprises.
When you purchase with PayPal there are no hidden costs or processing fees, so you can enjoy your shopping. Currency conversion fees may apply.
More about feesShop wherever you want.
Sign Up and Start Shopping*PayPal Earnings-Q3, 2023, based on PayPal internal data.