What should I do if I didn't receive all my items or if one or more were late?

We encourage sellers to ship items as soon as they receive payment. Most sellers ship items within 7 days. (Allow extra time for international shipments).

Occasionally, a seller may contact you if an item is out of stock. At that point, you can decide if you want to wait longer for that item or request a refund.

If you have waited a reasonable time for the shipment and have no updates from the seller, you can decide to open a dispute for the missing item(s).

Here's how to open a dispute from the web:

  1. Go to the Resolution Center and click Report a Problem.
  2. Select the payment and click Continue.
  3. Select the reason for your dispute, such as:
    • Unauthorized activity in your PayPal account (a payment you don't recognize or are confident you didn't authorize).
    • Issues with your purchase (a purchase doesn’t arrive or match the seller’s description).
    • Issues with the Seller (a seller is not co-operating and doesn’t respond to your messages, or you're simply unable to reach an agreement).
    • Billing errors or Issues with subscriptions (you've been charged more than once).
  4. Select the option that best describes your issue and click Continue.

To open a dispute on the app:

  1. Go to Activity and tap the transaction you want to report.
  2. Scroll to the bottom and tap Report a Problem.
  3. Select the type of issue you have, including any relevant details, and tap Submit.

If your item arrives late after receiving a refund, you should work with your seller to return it or pay for it again. You can ask the seller how they would like to proceed and stick to the instructions.

More ways we can help