PayPal Advanced Checkout - What are Level 2 and 3 Card payment transactions?
Card payment processing has three levels: Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3. The levels differ in the amount of information required to complete the payment as a Level 1, Level 2, or Level 3 eligible transaction. Level 1 requires less information and therefore generally incurs higher interchange fees compared to transactions processed with Level 2 and Level 3 data. Most businesses can operate at Level 1, however, when processing corporate and purchase credit cards, IC++ merchants can benefit from reduced interchange fees by providing additional transaction information called Level 2 and Level 3 data.
Corporate and purchase credit cards are eligible for Levels 2 and 3 processing if the required information is provided. Consumer cards are only eligible for Level 1 processing.
Level 2 and Level 3 cost optimization benefits don’t apply to debit cards.
Merchant benefits from Level 2 & 3 processing may include:
- Reduced interchange costs if they’re IC++ merchants.
- Fewer chargebacks.
Currently, both Visa and Mastercard offer Level 2 & 3 processing. Amex offers Level 2 and Discover offers only Level 1 processing.
Merchants can send Level 2 & 3 data to PayPal only for taxable US domestic corporate and purchase credit card transactions. Visa and Mastercard have their transaction criteria to qualify for Level 2 & 3 processing:
- Visa: The total tax amount must be between 0.1% and 22%.
- Mastercard: The total tax amount must be between 0.1% and 30%.
Note: Merchants that want to qualify for Amex Level 2 processing are required to contact Amex for approval before they accept the Level 2 data.
To qualify for Level 2 & 3 processing, merchants must send the following information. However, the card network and cardholder issuing bank ultimately determine whether a transaction qualifies for Level 2 or Level 3 processing.
Level 2 data:
- Card number, expiration, billing address, shipping address, and invoice number.
- Customer Code or PO number - unique reference ID for the order.
- Tax amount - an amount must be submitted separately from the total transaction amount.
Level 3 data:
- Level 2 data, and,
- Unit amount or Unit price
- Unit of measure
- Freight or Shipping amount - total shipping and handling charges.
- Duty amount - total charges for any import or export duties.
- Discount amount
- Item commodity code
- Item description
- Item product code
- Item quantity
- Unit tax amount
- Unit discount amount
- Ship-from ZIP code