From the browser
to the beach

As international travel resurges, it’s more important than ever for travel businesses to drive loyalty. And when you do so by crafting delightful buying experiences with PayPal, you not only help entice your customers to return, but you can also help boost conversions and fuel new revenue.

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The PayPal Effect

More conversions

Customers are 3.4x more likely to convert when PayPal is visible.1

Drive loyalty

PayPal users are 1.2x more likely to make a purchase on Travel websites where PayPal is present.1

Frictionless end-to-end

Mobile-first payment experiences across multiple channels and payment methods.

Grow customer base

Gain access to 425+ millions of active PayPal users globally.

Feel secure

80% of users feel more secure using PayPal than sharing credit card information on mobile devices.2

Adapt and evolve

The travel industry is ready to welcome travellers back. But do you know how consumer expectations have changed over last two years?

To make sure travel organisations are prepared, PayPal has teamed up with leading consumer trend analyst company TrendWatching. Find out how to take advantage of changing travel landscape to regain lost revenue, grow conversions and build loyalty.
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Make your travel business thrive

We believe that the holiday feeling should begin the moment a customer clicks pay, so don’t let your booking process get in the way. Find out how PayPal can help your travel business thrive.

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Deliver secure payments

With PayPal, travel companies can deliver familiar, secure, frictionless payment experiences that help draw in high-value international travellers and boost online conversions. And – with millions of active accounts globally, including the UK – PayPal can be the catalyst for your business growth.
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Happy customers are good for business

That's why the world's leading companies in the travel industry rely on PayPal.

More useful resources for your travel business.

Rise of BNPL in travel

Buy now, pay later is one of the fastest-growing digital payment methods and primed to disrupt travel payments too.

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Top 3 payment trends

Find out what the top 3 payment trends are that will significantly impact the travel retail industry for years to come.

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Impact of fraud

Are you keen to find out what impact fraud is having on the travel industry? Read our infographic to find out.

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Report: The new traveller. Key trends for 2022 and beyond

Access the report by filling in the form below.

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Find out how the travel industry has shifted in recent years and how the next generation of consumers are impacting travel. From conscious travel and synced services to nomadic lifestyles and virtual horizons - learn more about the future customer demands facing the industry in our recent report with TrendWatching.


1Nielsen Study, Commissioned by PayPal, Nielsen Media Behavioural Panel of desktop transactions from 13,013 UK consumers who are PayPal users, from October 2019 to September 2020 to understand and measure the impact that PayPal has for 315 UK-based LE merchants across different verticals.
2Nielsen, Commissioned by PayPal, a study to understand and measure the impact that PayPal has for UK-based LE merchants across different verticals (e.g., health & beauty, travel, fashion) by Nielsen Media Behavioural Panel of UK 95,161 desktop purchase transactions between October 2019 to September 2020