Can I archive, delete or cancel a detailed payment request?

To keep your list of detailed payment requests easy to use, you can archive any detailed payment request that you’ve created, sent, or shared. You can also archive any paid or canceled detailed payment requests. You can delete draft detailed payment requests you no longer need on the detailed payment request’s details page or in your list of detailed payment requests.

Can I cancel a detailed payment request?

When you cancel a sent or shared detailed payment request, your customer won’t be able to pay it.

To cancel a detailed payment request on the desktop experience, find the detailed payment request in your list of detailed payment requests and click the More Options icon on the right side of the screen. You have the option of sending your customer a notification email about the detailed payment request cancelation. On mobile, find the detailed payment request from your list. Tap the More icon on the detailed payment request details and cancel it.

Can I record payments made outside PayPal?

If your customer pays by cash, check, or another offline method, you can record the payment from the detailed payment request details page. You can also record an offline partial payment if your customer made a deposit or paid an installment.

Recorded payments appear in the activity of the detailed payment request’s details page along with any notes you’ve entered about the payments.

Can I add notes or memos for my records?

To add a note to your detailed payment request for your own records, click or tap the More Options link while you’re creating a detailed payment request. Add a memo that your customer won’t see. If you’ve already sent the detailed payment request, you can add a memo on the detailed payment request’s details page.

Can I give my customers a receipt?

When your customer pays a PayPal detailed payment request, they automatically receive a payment receipt. If your customer wants another copy of the detailed payment request, you can share a link to the paid detailed payment request or create a PDF to send or print.

How do I download detailed payment requests for my business records?

To download single or multiple PDFs for your detailed payment requests, hover over one or more detailed payment requests in your list and check each box. Then choose Download from the actions displayed.

How do I integrate PayPal Detailed Payment Requests into my website?
With a single integration, you can connect PayPal Detailed Payment Requests directly into your order management system or website. You’ll need API credentials to connect your PayPal account to your platform so you can integrate PayPal Detailed Payment Requests with your site.

Integrate PayPal Detailed Payment Requests .

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