What should I do if I have an issue receiving a PayPal payout via an app?

Apps may send their customers PayPal payouts. An example would be rewards from a supermarket. If you aren’t receiving this payout, try the following troubleshooting steps:

  • Make sure your email address is confirmed on PayPal.
  • The email address on the app will likely need to match your PayPal account unless the app allows you to use an email address specifically for payouts.
  • Check your PayPal payment history for the payment and your email spam folder to see if the payout receipt confirmation went there.
  • Contact the Merchant or app's customer service to confirm the email address they used to send the payout.

If you don’t see PayPal as a payout option, check if your country can receive PayPal Payouts in our Payouts Country and feature support list.

If you still haven’t received your payout, have the sender review our payout troubleshooting page and FAQs.

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