How do I respond to ‘Item Not Received’ and ‘Significantly Not As Described’ disputes?

As a seller, you should respond to a buyer when they open disputes relating to an item they haven’t received or is not as described. We recommend this as a best practice to ensure a good customer experience.

Here's how to respond to your buyer’s dispute:

  1. Go to your Resolution Centre
  2. You’ll find a list of disputes you’ve received here. Select the dispute needing your response.
  3. You must respond within the first 10 days following a dispute creation. If you don’t respond within these 10 days and the buyer has escalated, we will resolve the case in favour of the buyer.
  4. We'll share your response and supporting information with the buyer. If the buyer escalates the dispute, we won’t ask you for your supporting information again, as we’ll record it on the dispute for any further review.
  5. You should continue to engage with the buyer and provide offers where you see fit. A buyer with confidence in a seller may reconsider escalating their dispute for our attention.

Documents or info that you need to submit:

  • a third-party shipping receipt
  • tracking number - or a signature confirmation
  • proof of refund
  • other evidence to show the buyer has received the item - or downloaded your products (in the case of digital goods)

Submitting your response and any supporting proof is time sensitive. We recommend that you provide a response and any supporting information on time.

We will hold the amount relating to the dispute on your account until the case is closed.

To resolve a dispute with the other party, you have 20 days to exchange messages using your Resolution Centre. Disputes are closed automatically after 20 days unless you or the buyer escalate it.

Either party can escalate a dispute to a claim. By escalating it to a claim, you ask us to investigate and decide the outcome.

We usually decide within 10 days, but some cases take 20 days or longer.

In exceptional circumstances, at our discretion, we may provide you more time to respond to a case once it’s been escalated.

Keep an eye on your emails and Resolution Centre for updates from us or requests for more information.

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