How long can the seller take to ship my item?

This article has information related to purchasing shipping labels from the Shipstation. If you purchased your shipping label through the PayPal Shipping Center, visit our PayPal Shipping Center for more information.

We encourage sellers to ship items as soon as they receive payment. Most sellers ship items within 7 days. (Allow extra time for international shipments).

Occasionally, a seller may contact you if an item is out of stock. At that point, you can decide if you want to wait longer for that item or request a refund.

Depending on the shipping service the seller uses, you may be able to track your item online. If the seller prints a shipping label using PayPal, you can see the tracking number and shipping status when you select that transaction in your Activity.

If you don't receive your item or it's different than described, you can request a refund. If your seller doesn't agree to refund your money, you can open a dispute.

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