Easy ways to fundraise during this vital holiday giving season and beyond.

Dec 4, 2023 | PayPal Editorial Staff

The work of charities and nonprofits has never been more important than now – in a time of many challenges, from public health and safety to concerns about the economy and social justice. As we move into the holiday giving season, your organization should be prepared to accept donations in as many ways as possible, so you don’t miss a fundraising opportunity.

Here are 5 easy ways you can help bring in donations this giving season, and some PayPal tools to get you started.
1. Enable mobile donations.
Even before the pandemic, mobile and online donations were rising steadily. Potential donors may be used to making mobile purchases with apps like Venmo and PayPal, and more receptive to making mobile donations. Make sure that the PayPal Donate button is easy to find on your website using your mobile device; also check that you’re a PayPal Confirmed Charity to get exclusive perks, including a discounted rate on donation processing.
2. Expand your reach with QR codes and mobile sharing.
Your website isn’t the only place to catch donors’ attention. When you create a PayPal Donate button, it comes with a QR code you can add to livestreams, virtual events, and printed fundraising materials. Your PayPal Donate button also comes with a shareable Donate link that’s easy to add to email campaigns, social media, and partner websites.
3. Help unlock more donations with Give at Checkout.
This year, make sure you’re enrolled with PayPal Giving Fund Canada, so your organization is automatically listed in the PayPal app and on PayPal's fundraising site. Then encourage donors to name your organization as their favourite charity in their PayPal settings or by visiting your charity’s profile page on PayPal's fundraising site. Give at Checkout presents an option to donate $1 every time they check out with PayPal during their holiday shopping and beyond.
In a year after launch, participating charities globally raised over $11 million through Give at Checkout, and more than one million PayPal users became first time donors.2
4. Accept recurring donations.
Following up with donors can be time-consuming, costly, and awkward. The PayPal Donate button gives supporters the option to make recurring donations, which can be more convenient for them and more sustainable for your organization.
To help ensure that you collect promised donations, use PayPal Invoicing. It’s the fast and easy way to customize and send invoices from almost any device by email – and you can create scheduled or recurring invoices to be sent automatically.
5. Make Giving Tuesday a day to celebrate generosity.
Giving Tuesday is a prime opportunity to create holiday giving campaigns. In 2020, a total of $2.47 billion was raised on Giving Tuesday globally.3 More than $185 million of that total was donated through PayPal channels alone.4
It’s never too early to start setting up your holiday fundraising program. Discover more ideas for using online payment tools to meet or beat your fundraising goals.


The content of this article is provided for informational purposes only. You should always obtain independent business, tax, financial, and legal advice before making any business decision.
1, 2, 4 PayPal 2020 Global Impact Report.

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