How do I view and download statements and reports?

Information provided by PayPal is not intended to be and should not be construed as tax advice. For questions about your specific tax situation, please consult a tax professional.

To view and download all reports on the web:

  1. Go to History.
  2. Click the Download icon.
  3. Click Custom.
  4. Select the report that is most suitable for you.
  5. Follow the prompts to create and generate your report.
  6. When the report is ready, click Download.

To download your monthly statements on the web:

  1. Go to
  2. Click Request next to the month you're looking for.
  3. When the report is ready, click Download.

You can download a report of your transaction activity for up to the past seven years as a PDF, Quicken, QuickBooks, CSV, or TAB file. Your request can include up to 12 months of activity at a time.

Here's how to filter an Excel Spreadsheet:

  1. Click the row with all of the subjects ("Date", "Time", "Name", etc.). Click the number to highlight the entire row.
  2. Click Data at the top of the Excel window.
  3. Click Filter, under "Data".
  4. There is an arrow on each row. If you click it there is a drop down with checked boxes. (If you uncheck boxes it will allow you to filter out what you do not need.)
  5. Click the box directly below the last fee/ tax/ shipping amount to get the total amount of fees.
  6. Go to the top of the spreadsheet and hold the Shift button and then click the first amount in the column.
  7. Click Formulas at the top of the Excel window.
  8. Click AutoSum. All of the columns will be added together and show the total amount in the box under the last fee amount.


  • When downloading a large History Log, you may experience a delay. Depending on the server load, download logs can take up to 5 business days to generate. We will email you when your file is ready to be downloaded.
  • We save the last 3 most recently completed, large History Log files.
  • Small logs are downloaded immediately and are not saved.
  • You can download Comma Delimited files as Excel Spreadsheets and Tab Delimited files as .txt documents.
  • If you use QuickBooks, go to for instructions on how to download your transaction history directly into QuickBooks.

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